Managuan6's avatar
Yeah right.... Can you give me some of your motivation please?
Which program did you used? The shading effect are quite nice and i like all the litle ladders. ^^
I guess you had a lot of fun with the string part huh? :-S

2 thumbs up! ^.^
MrSide's avatar
Hm... what do you mean by "motivation"?
If I understand the question correctly, the motivations behind this was to find the most complicated thing to model I could think of and replicate it with the greatest amount of detail I could in order to improve my modeling skills. I can say it worked. I am now much more at ease to approach complex modeling.

I used Blender to make this. That's the only program that was used. The shading effect was really simple to do and I too find that it gives nice result (which is the reason I like to use it^^). For the ladders, they were a pain in the ass to do but they give all the charm to the ship.XD Seriously, it looks naked without them.

For the ropes, surprisingly, they were reaaaally easy to do. For that I only used curves (like beziers curves but in 3d) and they did most of the job by themselves.

Thanks for your support! :dance: