Videogeek95's avatar
Especially seeing as how evolution is only a theory... And as such does not exist...
Cavery210's avatar
Just level him up to Level 28, then we talk.
Chrismilesprower's avatar
Yes. But I was thinking science isn't wrong nor is religion. Both share a group of people who believe in what they choose to believe. Don't get me wrong my family and I are Catholic and we believe Jesus is our lord and Savior, but I was thinking what if science and religion met in the middle. 
Videogeek95's avatar
It does... We do...

We just refuse to believe Humans and Monkeys share an ancestor... So what if we're only two chromosomes away from each other... There are apparently some kind of fish or rats or something we're only 1 chromosome away... Doesn't mean we're related to them...

I'm not a creationist... I believe somewhat in evolution... But not to the extremes people claim it to act...
Chrismilesprower's avatar
Well thank you for telling me what your thought about it. And you're correct.