Mokrosuhibrijac's avatar
what about fluttershy :(
BabysMother's avatar
Just not a fan of her, I think her best moment was in Rainbow Dash' highlight where shes like... Yay.. :P
TheZeroTeam's avatar
Don't you mean when Fluttershy's like...
BabysMother's avatar
Mokrosuhibrijac's avatar
her best moment is: you're going to love meeeeeee!!!

but yay is also good

i like her because she's closest to me as a person XD
BabysMother's avatar
I'm a lot more like Luna or Rainbow Dash (The Luna where shes just unable to know how to make friends without scaring them >_>) Which is why I like them, I can relate, really :/
Mokrosuhibrijac's avatar
i can really relate to fluttershy,especially the episode hurricane fluttershy,i've been in that situation countless times :D

luna...the same as you,but that was the case only when i had white hair and weighed 200 pounds
BabysMother's avatar
>_> Oi yeah, no I just have a serious issue with making friends at least in person, not so much online.
Mokrosuhibrijac's avatar
eh,me too, most of my current friends were my sworn enemies XD