Rapid-Star's avatar
Bright and colorful!
Laur720's avatar
yes they screamed at me.. when I saw them so many things I wanted to do with them. Maybe anna has gotten to me I didn't see her but some of her toys they idea of organization by color size shape its making me a bit crazy. I can't express what a weird strike of inspiration this is :). I will just have to keep showing all the odd things in my mind thought up until I feel satisfied I used them all.
Rapid-Star's avatar
That's perfectly fine! I say go with the flow and see what happens! I'm sure that Anna won't mind if you use her colorful toys. :D
Laur720's avatar
its rainbow madness like nyan cat blasted my brain? she won't know but theres rainbows all over my room now... these stacking cups just gave me an idea I think my canon is done charging and now even more ideas are surfacing. it is going to be rainbow insanity.I can't explain it.
Rapid-Star's avatar
No need for explanation! Rainbows are very colorful and happy!
Laur720's avatar
thats the very thing about them, they stand out so much and I am surrounded by them. I get it now.