APHBrussels's avatar
The bot says that I don't meet the long term activity
but I have been commenting on artwork and journals
and even submitted devations in the last week.
What do I need to do to meet the long term activity again?
dAhub's avatar
Question: My profile is complete, and I am active. I don't understand why I'm flagged as inactive
Answer: To earn points for watch/fav/llamas you must meet the activity requirements.  This restriction does not apply to donors or users in the referral network.  Please note the activity requirements are separate and distinct from the eligibility requirements.  For the activity requirements, your activity level is compared against other active users - if your long term activity level is too low you will be considered inactive.  If you are told you do not meet the activity requirements, you must interact with other users outside of dAhub to boost your activity level.  This includes commenting on artwork, joining groups, watching users, posting artwork, faving work, etc.

Question: what is the minimum amount of deviations, comments, critiques, forum posts and favourites needed to earn points?  why my activity is too low?  It says I don't meet the activity requirements to earn points, but I've used dAhub just fine before.
Answer: The activity filter looks at nearly all the information presented on a user's profile page but focuses on changes over the past few weeks.  The algorithm compares each metric against the typical activity of common active users and computes a cumulative score for the given user.  If a user ranks too low on this scale, they are considered inactive.  There is no fixed minimum quantity of activity for comments, deviations, etc, just a cumulative total (a deficiency in the number of deviations posted recently could be rectified by posting more comments, for example).

This profile has historically faced a large number of fake accounts requesting points.  Users earn points with their home account and then turn around and attempt to earn points with alternate accounts, old accounts (eg abandoned in order to change the username), plz accounts, point accounts, role play accounts, etc.  The activity filter has been put in place to remove these accounts from the service.  By removing these accounts, donors are assured that the accounts giving watch/fav/llamas are of at least a standard caliber, and that activity is not 'fake'.  By ensuring a minimum quality to this service, donors are more likely to donate, ensuring points continue to be distributed among real users.

I apologize to those who are flagged by this requirement and are frustrated by this rule.  I recognize it is an imperfect process, and I sympathize with those who ultimately forgo receiving points because other users have abused the system, but this is a necessary measure given the conditions this account operates under.

Question: What do you mean by "LONG TERM activity requirements"?  I have interacted with a ton of users outside dAhub for years
The activity filter looks at your activity of over roughly the last couple weeks to couple months.  Users that have not logged in for extended periods may be flagged as inactive even if they have logged in recently

Question: Do I need to make my recent activity public to be considered active?
Answer: Whether you have your recent activity set as public or private will not affect the activity level assessment.