Comment on Yog-Sothoth by dominuself

PLUT0NIA's avatar
Looks really cool. The color scheme is also nice and creepy. :)

I once commented on a depiction of the same entity made by a professional artist. The depiction was very bland and uninspired. Didn't look at all "alien" or asymmetric enough for a supposedly "indescribable" outer god. He basically responded "YOU ARE WRONG" and blocked me. -What kind of artist tells someone that their opinions on artistic styles are "incorrect"? :?
dominuself's avatar
I guess he was not an artist :)
PLUT0NIA's avatar
True dat. I mean, on top of his arrogance, his depiction of the shapeless outer god Yog looked like a four-legged tentacle frog-dragon. Basically a dinosaur without a neck and with less bones in its limbs. Aren't Lovecraftian monsters and gods supposed to be incomprehensibly strange and otherworldly?

I mean, the Colour out of Space is so strange and beyond our imagination that it reflects colors that don't exist like redgreen, and is an entity that can't be classified as either dead or alive or sentient or not. That's the kind of strangeness that should be involved.