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Name: Olivia Sophia Beatrice-Rose Thorne

Race: Vampire

Gender: Female

Age: Appears about 23 years old, however, she is 559 years old (From Birth to Present Day)


Olivia appears as a tall woman, about 5’7, with an elegant and graceful bearing. Her hair is a bright shade of jet black, falling straight down her back to her hip-bones, and always pulled out of her face. She is very pale, which makes the contrast very startling to her hair and yet appealing. Her eyes are a bright, and yet pale shade of blue, lighter than the sky, even, but not quite an icy blue and her lips, while pouty, are a pale pink color. Her nose is slender, slightly up-turned, and could gently called aristocratic with lovely high cheekbones and a heart-shaped face. Her legs are long, but not out of proportion to her body, and while her limbs are slim, she is of average body-size for her height, with a slight curve to her over-all body that makes it, not quite an hour-glass shape, but fairly close to it.


Born on a little farm in England in the year of our lord 1456 on May 1st, Olivia was the youngest of seven children and was, by all means, a well-loved and mischievous child. She had a normal upbringing, raised by her nearest sister, Margaret Thorne, who was just 8 years old at the time of her birth. When she was but six years old, she’d already been able to attend to their pigs and milk their cows. She steadily learned how to take care of the animals, and how to butcher them.  She would go with her father and eldest brother to market and sell her family’s’ wares, calling out in her little voice over the din of the many other hawkers.

She was her father’s favorite child, especially as the older girls got married and his son’s left for establishments of their own. Olivia swore she would never leave her father’s house, and therefore would never leave him, but that was not quite how things turned out. When she turned sixteen, she was told by her mother that she was the prettiest girl in the village, and, indeed, she was, for her fair skin(which stayed fair despite working outside) and dark hair drew everyone’s attention…including the son of the Lord who they rented their land from. He had been smitten with her for the last two years and now, at nineteen, with his father deceased, he could do as he wished, and he wished, at first to simply bed Olivia, and yet she would not have it. She was uneducated, but she had a natural quickness that made him think of her as more than her beauty, and this lead him to offer her marriage.

She accepted only for the comfort of her parents, but she slowly grew to love her husband, and they lived happily together until he died of plague five years later. They had no children, so all of his wealth she inherited through his will, and she was able to mourn and live quietly on the estate ( much of whose goods she had to sell over the years ) until imminent poverty forced her to sell the house and move back in with her parents. The man who purchased it was unlike anything the towns people had beheld, and the party of friends he brought with him were rude and conceited, and they constantly turned to Olivia to make things right, as the party frequently disrupted the villagers.

This was the beginning of her descent into her transformation as a vampire, for that was what these people were, and, one night as they descended upon the village to feed, she was caught in the cross-hairs and bitten savagely, but she was saved by one of them. She never found out which of them had turned her, for she awoke to the man who’d bought her husband’s home standing over her, watching with amusement as she saw that he now drank from her very own father, and, to her horror, she joined him.

Her guilt over this act was the start of the next years she spent almost like a wild dog, feral and wild, unwilling to think overly much of what she was doing or whom she was hurting. However, the group she was now a part of could not contain themselves, and turned on themselves, wearing themselves thin and scattered, and Olivia found herself, all at once, quite alone in the world but this is what she needed, for it began her ascent back to a relatively normal existence. She found her way home, but the village had been decimated, and the few who remained fled before her. She cared not, for when she entered the manor, she found herself again, and slowly began to rebuild her life and the house, and then, after a time, the village.

She would not, she decided, feed upon the people in her village, and so, she made a point to do as she always had done. Use every part of the animals of the forest, only now, she kept their blood and sold off their meat and pelts, for she had no need of them and, over time, the villagers grew used to her, though they hardly traveled outside of their small homes, but this was to her advantage as well, for she could remain there in secret, and no one would know. However, as people from the outside world began to encroach upon their little village more and more, Olivia found herself needed to travel to stay out of the spot-light, always staying in grand-stately homes until she needed to move again and as the modern world began to dawn, she was able to find solid refuge in the New World, where she built her grand home in upstate New York in 1846, and where she had quietly been living till this day ( though with the occasional trips around the world to keep suspicious persons at bay).


Olivia had always been sweet, steady child, with a mischievous streak that usually gave way to solid pig-headedness when she didn’t get her way. She was willful and obedient by turns, as the young so often are, but with a quickness of mind that marked her as slightly different from her siblings and friends, and she seemed to mature much more quickly than other’s her age, though a large part of that was he devotion to her father and his religion by proxy. As she grew up, she grew into herself, becoming a beautiful young woman with a naturally happy disposition, and easy smile, and an air of gracefulness about her that only swelled as she aged as did her charm and gentleness. This translated directly into her transformation, where both her good and bad qualities were amplified. As time caught up with her, she learned many things, which brought to her the ability to be wise, and she is a very logical woman, and yet very private, with horrible memories that she does not wish to relieve. In our modern terms, however, she might be called eccentric, and she always seems to know more than she should, and more than she ever lets on.


She is susceptible to the normal problems that vampires have, including but not being limited to: Sunlight, Silver, A Wooden Stake through Her Heart, Crucifixes, and her head being cut off and her heart being destroyed

She is also a very gentle soul, despite her affliction, and the few people she cares about are people that can be used to great effect to target her. Most especially her brothers’ daughter and his only living descendant, Perdita Thorne


She has no need of man-made weapons, as her own abilities compensate for them, but, while she does not need them, but, through the years, she learned how to handle a short-sword, a bow, and in more modern times, guns


She has the common abilities of a vampire, including, but not limited to: Heightened senses of hearing, sight, and smell, Near Super-Human strength and speed, along with the unique ability to compel a person/to manipulate their mind.

She’s quite a graceful dancer, a lovely singer, and an excellent horse-woman, but with all of her lovely, gentle abilities, she’s also a fierce warrior, inclined more towards hand-to-hand combat and the martial arts rather than fighting with weaponry, and she is rather skilled at it, having more than a few centuries to become quite a fair fighter.

In a ‘political’ way, at least in the supernatural community, Olivia is known as a peace-keeper, as she has been around quite long enough and has the unique ability of seeing things for how they truly are, not how one ‘party’ or another represents them. This is what she considers to be her most valuable ability and accomplishment.

Class Requested: Short-Stories

The Person Who Helped You Upon Entering The Room: No one, I had not spoken to anyone before posting my character

Have you Read and do you Agree to all of Affinity’s Rules? – Yes, Absolutely.