Shimmering-Sword's avatar
You have what looks like a Bolo for your avy and a gallery full of dragons. All my "lolwuts" to you sir :D
MaxTerran's avatar
i'm not trying to say this is bad art i'm just a tank guy and yes dragon as well so fr me these kinds of mech this seem to unreal and i can't love them but i do love how well done it is anyways
Heretic1311's avatar
Tanks with two cannons or even more were really created. Check for the American tank Ontos, that thing had 6 (!!!) recoiless rifles on it´s turret. And the german WWII-Tank Maus (Mouse in englisch) had a 75mm cannon as a SIDEWEAPON!!! So, my conclusion: 2-cannon-Tanks are futuristic, but NOT unrealistic! Swiss or Belgians developed a tank with 2 cannons too, but never got beyond prototype stage.
MaxTerran's avatar
oh and how well did that work? lol and the Maus was one of the "biggest" lol fail the germans came up with, the things was so heavy no brigde could hold it lol, the real there are no twin gun tanks is it just can aim well at all, todays battlefield maybe based on in city fighting but all the more the reason that you want to hit what you aim at and only that, its not like two targets are going to be side by side so easy just there are they? hELL no at the range tanks will try to fight you at ( witch is about 3 to 2 miles) two guns will not work belieeve me they tryed and fail, for it also puts too must force on the mounts for the turret to have that, if you tryed to put two 120mm in the M1A2 or leoperdA6 it would end with one shot and a dead crew, people also forget how powerful that one gun is adding another does not do any good for you can only shoot at one target anyhow

to end this its silly to say the least to have a tank with two guns or more
Heretic1311's avatar
I never said they were sucessfull. But think about Anti-Air-Tanks. They have at least two guns or more, sometimes even with missles (or missles only, but that is something different).
What you say about the recoil of cannons is right, but would be irrelevant if the tank uses beam weapons (it´s a SF-setting after all).
MaxTerran's avatar
on a anitair it works because what its doing is not shooting at the plane but in the area where it is or will be not really aiming if you ask me and missles don't need to be aim really just pointed in the direction of the target and so on

and beam weapons are nothing to something like a railgun or even a HELLBORE which are what taks will most likely use, a beam just does not have the punch and blasted that a a hellbore would that like almost a nuke in some ways but controled and the beam just losses too much power in the ait where a rail or hellbore would not even the M1A2 120mm smoovebore has more punch then any lazer in the world ANY, that something we have been useing for years so think about what kinda of guns will be in the future my vote is that the tank will have a beam weapon never
Heretic1311's avatar
Hm, i get your point, but isn´t the weapon used mainly depending on the tanks purpose? Can you simply say they never will utilize beamweapons without knowing what kind of weapons will be developed in the future (or in the writers imagination). Personaly, i kind of like the idea of a tank with disruptor beam cannons, like the ones on the Klingon Bird of Prey, vaporizing any matter the hit! :eyepopping:

But i agree again with you that in the near future, beam weapons are out of question, simply cause we´re not able to bring enough energy in a tank to get the same result as a smoothbore.
MaxTerran's avatar
a desruptor is just another beam weapon that say delivers the enemy lets say of about 5% of the japan nukes at best for somes like that of the bird of prey's main weapons, in the bolo books the main weapons of the Mark XXXIII Bolo is not in tons of energy but mega tons that so even if you get a power source that can work with your disrupter its likely it will only be a third rate weapon to a rail or hellbore which look to be more powerful and more near future then a beam weapn of what you describe,

and that if there is no new brake through in gun tech before we start using anything like a rail or hellbore