CorvusCorax92's avatar
Arrogance is a rather odd thing to accuse communism of... Hell, I used to be a Stalinist (or 'anti-revisionist' as I would have said then), and I don't think I ever got that thrown at me! What strange ideas right-wingers get into their heads... I bet the guy who called you that couldn't even tell you what communism actually is, or rather, *could* be, given it's different forms. I get called arrogant now (once by a communist, interestingly enough) as a left-libertarian, but I never did as a communist.
MrEpicJustice's avatar
Stalinism is just authoritarian-Bonapartism parading as communism.
CorvusCorax92's avatar
I'm well aware of what Stalinism is; as I said, I *used* to be a follower myself. Then I went to Maoism, followed by Trotskyism, then back to what I thought was a 'purer' Marxism-Leninism, then orthodox Marxism, followed by anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism (a la the Wobblies)... It was an interesting path, but from there I ended up at some blend of classical liberalism + mutualism + individualist anarchism, with a hint of Hayek, Marx, and Tucker, informed by Humanist ethics: Market anarchism, left-libertarianism, whatever you want to call it, it has many names, and is highly eclectic.

But I haven't revisited Stalin in years... Dark times, indeed.
AtheosEmanon's avatar
Lmao, he had no concept of communism. While I stated above I am no fan of Stalin, but to each their own. I do laugh that every time I advocate for something that helps the poor ... I get accused of being a communist. I take it Jesus was a commie too going by their standards... I get called arrogant often, Okay I can be at times, who can't? But to say I am arrogant for... asking for a properly funded education system? hahhha