matthoworth's avatar
Samara was definitely one of my favourite squad mates in ME2, it's a shame she didn't make it as a squad member for ME3. The Justicar lore was always really fascinating. Perhaps we'll see more of it in the next Mass effect game?
rlchill's avatar
yeah not counting returning squadmates, Samara was one of, if not, my FAVORITE squadmate. and OMG! when I first played through ME3, and she said "it would be an honor to fight along side u" I actually thought she was coming back...was SOOOO pissed when she wasn't! xD and omg, if they make the next ME game like DA: O in terms of choosing ur species and background, i'd LOVE to be an Asari Justicar! xD
matthoworth's avatar
Haha I know the feeling, and then you get that stupid message from her saying she is needed on the front lines or something. 

Well hopefully Mass Effect will follow DA:I and allow that, especially if they're trying to get away from the 'Shepard 2' thing.
rlchill's avatar
for real! the Justicar in the MP is OK...but idk lol, just isn't the same as it would if u got a whole game...what would be awesome is if u got the "Biotic Sphere" ability, but instead of casting it in one spot and still being able to get hurt, if u could do what Samara/Jack did in ME2, and walk around w/ it! and not get hurt like someone holding up a barrier would do! lol...another thing, STILL think it would've been EPIC if ur Shepard was biotic if he/she could've held the barrier! xD