Ready2Fatality's avatar
And thus, My Little C&C: Pony Alert was born!
(alternate post)
Worker from Westhoof Studios: This idea is just perfect! gamers will love the ability to play this!
NeodaBIG's avatar
Too bad it's possible only in an alternative universe. Or with some mad-skilled modding...
Ready2Fatality's avatar
True. so unless in an alternate universe or someone who is mad at modding, we'll never get to play the best C&C game with one of the best themes with MLP in it. I chose the theme, the guys from MLP RPG did it. [link]
NeodaBIG's avatar
Oh... Did I hear chaos unit's replies from DoW in the beginning? Also, funny mix.
WalkingWithPingu's avatar
So,no nukes but frigging Power Units.
Of course,Mind Control device(Red Alert 2)
Ready2Fatality's avatar
yeah. For some reason, I was imagining up a version of the full Hell March 2 with the extended theme, just a few trims left and right.