Capukat's avatar
Lol thank you Kitsune XD

Ah btw I thought I might tell you, I'm done with your bookmark and will post the progress pics in a sec and note them to you :3
KitsuneBushi's avatar

How long does shipping taaakkkkeeee???

And what about the little, uh, square thing? I just had a major brain fart and can't remember what you called them... ^^'
Capukat's avatar
Shipping.. I believe takes a week at most within the US.

And oh the ACEO! Yep will finish that soon too but idk if I"ll post or not since I tend to not post sketches.. on occassion I do I guess.
But yeah I'll have to ship them either this Saturday or next Saturday so expect them latest by the week after next..
if that makes sense!
KitsuneBushi's avatar
Yey<33 It is seriously gorgeous thank you soo very much<3