ChaosDrgon's avatar
I'm not saying I don't understand /all/ drinking, just that I don't understand /heavy/ drinking. A glass of wine at dinner, a bit of scotch after work, that's all fine. But if you're desperate enough to escape reality that you're taking up heavy drinking, then frankly, marijuana would be a cheaper and less harmful alternative at that point.
baileyjrob's avatar
I don't know that marijuana is safer... but nonetheless it depends on what you define as heavy. I'd understand getting drunk. You have a bad day and just want to forget it for awhile. Blur your mind, dull your senses, and proceed to have a good time. Now I DON'T understand someone drinking to alcoholism. 

I should also inform you I've never taken a sip of alcohol, and plan to never do so. So maybe I'm not the fairest source.