AtemYamiLover's avatar
I love this so much! I use it for my recycle bin but there's a little problem... I did everything you said and it's showing up as empty, right? Then I finally deleted some stuff and it showed the full icon. OKay... then I emptied the bin and the full icon is still there! I tried changing it manually and it worked a couple of times but now it just doesn't change altogether. And I don't want to change the icon every single time. Do you know how I can fix this? I've already looked through thousands of tutorials...
DevanTheNoob's avatar
Yes, this is an issue with computers actually and not the icons! :] I made some more recycle bin icons with another character, which are the icons I use for my recycle bin and I have the same problem. Sometimes it will show the empty icon even when there is stuff in there :s I'm not sure why this happens and many other people don't know either but it just happens when people use custom icons. I eventually just learned to ignore it x3 I'm sorry about that! But I am very happy that you like the icons!