Noe-Izumi's avatar
this chapter isn't written yet ^^;
SuperNavi64's avatar
are any of the chapters up?
Noe-Izumi's avatar
yup the two first ones are in my Zelda gallery :-)
B-rex2014's avatar
OMG OMG are you the supernavi64 girl on fan fiction net!?!?
SuperNavi64's avatar
Yes, I am.
I'm surprised you know me from that, I barely upload anything on there yet I do write an awful lot. And the two things I do have are horrible in my opinion.

B-rex2014's avatar
I dont think they are horrible, in fact "sick and hurt" was the first fanfic I have ever read and it is one of my favorites!

I like to make link suffer...
SuperNavi64's avatar
Heh, thanks.
I do very much like doing that to him as well.

I'm surprised actually how many people like it, so illiterate I was...

Well, I'm glad to see some people like them, I've been thinking about publishing my new stories, I have quite a lot and they are much, much longer and properly typed.

If you'd like to keep talking to me I'd recommend going to my page here on DA, I wouldn't like to give Noe-Izumi a bunch of notifications in replies. lol