Zygamora's avatar
Thanks :w00t:
WOW :eyepopping: you have a lot of designs.
They are all very nicely drawn :clap: good work.

[link] This one would have worked on the back as well in reverse. I wouldn't have changed the colour on the other shirt colours though.
The water spirit [link] is awesome, but on the back I would have maybe added another image instead of just repeating what was on the front. Maybe water ripples or even the water spirit driving into the water since she is coming up out of the water on the front.
The fighting unicorns [link] doesn't look finished due to the back legs being cut off.
The Gargoyles are all awesome love the colours as well. :D
ARK-Sketchbook's avatar
First: Thank you very much for taking your time to see my designs.:heart:
Second: Hehe yea when I’m in the mood I can draw a lot at once. Thought all Mystical Creature entries are made within two days. So I haven’t had time for some designs to make back pics. In all points I’m agreeing with you expect the first one. My Sennentuntschi is using pretty much space so I went against the thought to mirror it onto the back. I thought about making a second skull with the DA emblem for it. But at the end … well you see the result :blush:

I don’t want to go to haven! It’s boring up there!!
Zygamora's avatar
With one of my designs I was against putting stuff on the back specially the DA logo, but in the end I did end up repeating part of the front image on the back due to a few comments saying it needs something on the back. :P
The joys of art is to do what you feel is right for the piece.
ARK-Sketchbook's avatar
And like some say: Everyone is a critique! :D That can be a good like a bad thing ;) But the most important thing is at the end that we, the artists, are happy and pleased with our work.

I don’t want to go to haven! It’s boring up there!!
Zygamora's avatar
so true. :D

Good Luck!