ukitakumuki's avatar
Thank you kindly! Yes, I did design the NS logo. It seemed to work well thematically, slightly cheesy aerospace corporate sci fi look with the whole 'embodiment of progress in the form of an arrow!' that I went and cleaned it up after the first rough draft. The team I worked with 2 years back didn't complain either, so yeah. :p
lkj0987654321's avatar
Haha, the fact that it actually contains the parent organization's abbreviation puts it a step above the other logos in the game.

I don't suppose that it was inspired by the logo for the similar-in-role Anaheim Electronics, was it?
ukitakumuki's avatar
Anaheim Electronics was never used as a direct ref but I am a gundam fan, and I won't deny the possibility it must have stuck :D But the main thing about the NS logo that made me tune it even moreso in that direction is the fact that the lower tail of the S links up with the N to create the shape of an arrow pointing upwards. That was too convenient not to pass on. :p

I don't even see other logos in the game :( Only company names, which is unfortunate. It would have been so cool to actually see thoughtful associations made between gear, facilty, all that fluff. I hope they work that in eventually.