electric-lady's avatar
thank you so much!!! *O* I really love your work, so that means alot coming from you <3 hopefully I'll see you at AFA this year :]
yinami's avatar
oh come on dear <3333 You are amazing yourself.

YES, PLEASE, OMG IF YOU EVER DO... Wanna do a cosplay together?
electric-lady's avatar
I should be going this year :]
I would love that! *O*
yinami's avatar
um I'm planning to cosplay Beronif from Granado Espada: [link] . Perhaps you wanna do another character from Granado Espada? Or do you have any other ideas? I mean like a pair cos or something. I'm still not 100% sure if I'll do this. Hey do you have fb or skype? We can always talk there properly!
electric-lady's avatar
wow soo awesome!!! *O* <3
well right now I have a Trinity Blood cosplay planned with a couple of my friends, but I was thinking of doing Asuna from Sword Art Online for the other day :]
[link] you should add me :D <3
yinami's avatar
aww cool! nevertheless, i definitely wanna hang out with you when you come and visit! <3