Comment on Stan and Wendy by fuzzykyo

KitsuneYagami's avatar
fuzzykyo's avatar
haha. i know right?!
KitsuneYagami's avatar
Fer sure! :D You know what you guys should do? You should make a picture story and once it's done make it a moving picture XD but have the next part in a different scene and have them act like they never moved XD

confusing but it'd be worth it XD
fuzzykyo's avatar
Oh yeah! That would be really cool to do! I will definitely have to suggest that the next time we all get together!

Its not confusing, i believe i get what you were saying! :3
KitsuneYagami's avatar
Do you know what I am saying? LOL Sorry couldn't resist ! XD

That's gonna be soooo cool! x3 Tell me what they say if you can hun!:D