Combusken11's avatar
That's interesting- I'd never heard about the platypus being venomous.

If you edited the feet of the grass starters to make them look like roots or dirt, you could do grass/ground, which would be a good type combo. Or you could just say it's grass-ground and live with it :D
evanlley's avatar
Male platypus have venemous spurs on their hind legs
Combusken11's avatar
I looked it up after posting this and found that out.
PokemonStarVersion's avatar
What do you think about grass/fighting?
Combusken11's avatar
That's OK but i think Grass-ground would suit it better. Just opinion- you can do whatever you want, since it's your fakemon.
PokemonStarVersion's avatar
I might try that. Thanks for the suggestion. :)
PokemonStarVersion's avatar
Hey, if you would like you can work on the ones that are in pink now.
Combusken11's avatar
Yay! Thanks! I'll send you a note with them when i'm done.