AnynomouSam's avatar
Did she like "The Woodcutter's Wife" ? If so, I'm officially in love with her. ^^
ExplosiveFirehawk's avatar
"The Woodcutter's Wife: A Lesson in Karma" XD

My favorite TES book is 'Verranecus and Boulor'

(Yet I STILL can't get the title right :,< )
AnynomouSam's avatar
Never heard of that one, which episode is it in ?
(also, hello Uncle Sheo ! :D )
ExplosiveFirehawk's avatar

I've seen it more commonly in Oblivion, but it's also in Skyrim (though r much rarer).

I know it can be found in the Pinewatch bandits' treasure room (Skyrim).
AnynomouSam's avatar
Downloading the game yet again to look for it right away !
WhiteWings's avatar
Huh? Is that a quest (i/she never got around to)?
AnynomouSam's avatar
Aww, me is sad now. Tis a book that is considered to be a horror and horrible story, but that I personally found very funny. :)
WhiteWings's avatar
A book?? Aw man, I don't know if I stumbled on that one. I liked most of the books in Skyrim, but I admittedly don't remember all of them too well. I think there are places that have all the books online - I may have to look this one up!
AnynomouSam's avatar
The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ( has got all of them, as well as the best lore and gameplay descriptions I've seen yet.
Personally, I am SO obsessed with lore that I made a special game in which I dedicated myself to find all the books in the game. And when I say all, I don't mean all the different titles, no. Whenever I stumbled upon a new one that I already had, I'd still take it ! Then I put the full of them in all the libraries of each house I acquired. I was so proud at the time. ^^