harwicks-art's avatar
Oh, that is freaking adorable.

I actually was approached by a little girl earlier this summer as I got out of my car to see if I wanted to buy some lemonade, and I said no. And then once I got to the front door I realized that for some reason I had turned down buying a 5 cent glass of lemonade, and I was completely baffled as to why I would do that. I mean, sure... I didn't want or need anything to drink, but I couldn't play along for a nickel? What a jerk I am!
AliasForRent's avatar
At least you were offered lemonade, 5 cents to boot! You'd think that you would see lemonade stands as far as the eye can see (or at least a good two houses down) down here in Florida, but nooo, it's too hot or rainy to set up shop. Either that or no one here wants to, or at least tries to sell lemonade.