Artamid's avatar
yeah, I thought that too. I NEED YOU TO COME OVER AND PLAY SLENDER.
DidgetyGirl's avatar
Yeah :D Yesh i should :) the game sounds interesting
Artamid's avatar
You'll need to pester me into un-muting the sound, though
DidgetyGirl's avatar
hehehe happily... although i may never want to play it with the sound :D ever again :)
Artamid's avatar
DidgetyGirl's avatar
quite possibley... i used t get really creeped out by soundtracks when i was younger... :D
Artamid's avatar
mmyeah... slender's pretty terrifying with the sound (not that i lasted that long before muting it). It starts off as just nighttime noises, and then there's a dull throbbing noise (that's usually when I get hysterical) and as you get further, you hear the music getting louder and more intense, and before you know it, he's standing behind you.
DidgetyGirl's avatar
oh..... yeah i can imagion... can't wait to play it now :D