Killr-Kitty249's avatar
Still, I don't have the patience to do that.
Psychorror's avatar
Yeah, I usually can't go for more than 10-ish minutes. This particular one took an entire day of interspersed l'il sessions.
Killr-Kitty249's avatar
Yeah, thats about how long I last but I'm so impatient I have to finnish the whole drawing in that time ^^'
Psychorror's avatar
"Patience required, to make good art,
Oft dissappears, within moments of the start.
But worry not, do not despair,
Keep on chuggin', and you'll (eventually) get there."

~Lord Psychfucius-San.
Killr-Kitty249's avatar
More poetry? HA you make up poems more than you draw. I think Black Z was right. You SHOULD give up art and write poetry ^^
Psychorror's avatar
Edgar Allen Poe-
Or Michaelangelo?
Oh me, oh my, I just don't know-
Which path that I should follow.