TheHypotheticalNerd's avatar
artgeek -- that means you just insulted a huge majority of Republicans who like their bumper stickers...

Romney 2012!

When your argument can be summarized by calling it hypocritical and thus eerily similar to how Romney operates... there's a problem. Way to insult the guy because you want a different person in the White House. That shows a rather more significant "cognitive disability" and inability to be civil in any manner. What a shock that a (more than likely) Republican has no decency toward anyone who doesn't share their views.

Grow up.
ejkaull's avatar
Using the cliché "Grow up" as part of your response is an "ad hominem" attack which shows your "cognitive disability" is the worse than the guy who made this image, the guy who criticized it and the guy who criticized the criticism. :)
artgeek99's avatar
And EVERYONE is being hypocritical in this election. People who support Romney say, "Well Obama would be worse than Romney!" And then Obama supporters say, "Well Romney would be worse than Obama!" It's all about who'd be worse instead of supporting one's own candidate.
artgeek99's avatar
Whatever floats your boat, dude.