Delta-Shout's avatar
Not that I know of... I posted it here, and I saw someone had put it on the Remembering Jerry Nelson thread. But aside from that, there wasn't anywhere else.

Maybe they just picked them out at random?
TomFraggle's avatar
It's cool, I think what got posted was what the author posting article liked and I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. I guess I'm just dumbfounded my tribute art to Jerry wasn't liked, while everyone else who posted some tribute art on those forums on Saturday, got selected, I'm the only one that didn't. But, everyone has a right to like or dislike things, it's what makes us human & unique. Sort of like music, some people may like certain artists, while others totally dislike same artists, it's all personal preference.

I'll just keep on drawing, it's fun and a good stress reliever and lots of other people liked my tribute, that's what really counts.