DonBetinoL's avatar
Retro-Death's avatar
Thx dude, that means a lot coming from someone with your skills.
DonBetinoL's avatar
I forgot to throw one of these on here. Bam
DonBetinoL's avatar
Pshh. You should see how long it takes for me to churn my stuff out. If I had real skill, I would be a lot faster at it. The only reason my stuff might look okay is because I have way too much time on my hands... or more likely, I'm probably neglecting my responsibilities to do "drawrings" instead :)

But seriously, this thing is awesome. I can tell that you really thought about what you were doing here, and that you probably had a lot of fun with it.

I love all the little details you put into this. It is evident that the board itself is crazy detailed (awesome all by itself), but everything else you did sets the scene too. The potted piranha plant next to the coins, the cob webs under the table, the bullet bills (so clever that they're actual bullets by the way)the reflection in the mirror with the chandelier, and even the cuckoo clock, which if I'm reading correctly, indicates a time of 1:00 in the morning (why else would the chandelier be lit unless it was a lat night gaming session!)

Seriously, this is way better than the stuff I've put out so far. This reminds me of so many late night gaming sessions I've had with my homies. I love it when artwork can tell a story and evoke an emotional response. A lot of daily deviations don't even do that, but this one clearly does, for me at least.

So when I say great work, understand that I really mean and believe it, this is GREAT WORK :)
Retro-Death's avatar
You are right this was so much fun to do, it took me quite some time though, I think the board alone took me longer than the rest of the picture put together.

That feeling is exactly what I wanted to convey. The clock is set at 23:10 but indeed with those late night gaming sessions in mind.

I wanted it to feel real and kinda dark and I wanted each character to have an item from the game. Luigi's pose was perfect for a gun (he had his hand closed at first).

The chandeliers in the mirror plus its light is one of the things I am proudest of from the way it turned out. That and Luigi himself.

It's not really a DD though. XD Unless you mean by daily deviation simply all that gets put out on dA.