symbion-pandora's avatar
I would have put my hand in there for scale but it was already not happy about me being close so I didn't want to bother it more... XD
Maarika's avatar
I wouldn't put my hand close to things like that... :icondeathstareplz:
symbion-pandora's avatar
I try to research any bugs I see, so I already know this one can't hurt me. XD I just didn't want to harass it anymore. Cos I'm sooo nice. There are some non-spiders out there that have powerful (non-venomous) bites but I haven't been really close to any.
Maarika's avatar
It's always a good thing to know stuff like that. I wish I knew what the hell it was that bit me a while ago. :C
symbion-pandora's avatar
It's harder to fear things when you understand them, this is also true about humans who are different from you. XD

Then again depends upon where you live, in NA there are really only 2 kinds of (potentially) deadly venomous spiders so statistically, if you see a spider, it's probably neither a recluse or black widow. So there isn't a lot of logical reason to panic seeing a spider here as long as you know how to ID those two. Most huge spiders you will see are totally harmless and healthy to have around because they prey upon pests. In other localities of the globe you may encounter many more deadly things than here *coughAustraliacough* and probably should run if you see a snake or spider, lolol.

We also only have... 3 kinds of really venomous snakes in NA, so not a lot of reason to freak out over them either. I'm probably spoiled and would get bitten by everything if i lived in a dangerous animal zone cos I'd go out and poke them like Steve Irwin. :iconbakacirnoplz:
Maarika's avatar
Works for humans, but not for insects. :P I understand that craneflies for example can't do a thing to me, but try and stop me from getting the hell away from it as fast as I can. I don't want them near me.

I hope we don't have any venomous spiders here... O_O Ticks are probably the most dangerous bugs we have here since they may carry disease but you have to worry about them usually only when you go into the wilderness. I know we only have two species of snakes and only one is venomous. Snakes aren't scary to me if I know they're harmless. But all insects are still :icondonotwantplz: Can I just have my puppies and kittens and other fluffballs to pet please? They're cute and fluffy (and probably more dangerous than most insects lol). :iconloveloveplz: