TheCosbinator's avatar
Sayonara summer, and bikinis.. WE SHALL MISSSS YOUUUU!
SilverVulpine's avatar
Almost makes me regret leaving Florida.

Ah well. :D
TheCosbinator's avatar
Let me remind you of one thing that you wont regret leaving.. Hurricanes :)

The latest one just missed where I live, only some heavy rain bands. Boy do I hate those stupid things.
SilverVulpine's avatar
Well, that is true. :D

And it's lucky you weren't in harm's way! :)
TheCosbinator's avatar
Very true!

It's kinda scary knowing your (I'm) in a potential disaster zone! If we were to get hit directly.
SilverVulpine's avatar
Absolutely. :D

And yeah, that is pretty harrowing knowledge. I'm glad you were safe this time! :)