Milante's avatar
This is amazing! I especially like the large ship in the bottom right corner.
LordDoomhammer's avatar
Thank you! Though the ship in the bottom right corner is the smallest, but the closest ;)
Milante's avatar
Ah, perspective, my eternal enemy. :P
LordDoomhammer's avatar
Mine too^^But it actually isn't really obvious which one's closer, due to missing particles - that's one of the drawbacks when drawing space :/
Milante's avatar

Perhaps adding some blur to simulate depth of field... I dunno. I'm still quite the amateur, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
LordDoomhammer's avatar
I take any advise I'm given into consideration, no matter how trained someone is. So thanks ;)
But I currently have no muse to overwork this. Right now I'm looking forward, not backward :)