TheSkaldofNvrwinter's avatar
I'll be real honest and accept the possible scorn lol: I have real sensitive skin and I'm poor or I'd have had some by now, am 39. I've always had this fantasy about a sci-fi sleeve and a fantasy sleeve, given that I'm a Libra and like balance.
CindyFay's avatar
yeah I'm a capricorn and needed symetry in my tattoos. I couldn't get one half sleeve without the other or one leg without the other so I Understand. Also that's ok it took me 12 years to finish my back because it hurt to much. No scorn here. Move at your own pace and if you never get them at least you know what you would have liked to have.
TheSkaldofNvrwinter's avatar
I like your name, btw
CindyFay's avatar
thank you very much.