WilderWhine's avatar

I totally agree with you, Das-Sturm. Why should we get upset about our children seeing human bodies? Paranoid much. ...Not to say barbie is an actuate depiction of a human body!

I don't hate barbies because they're girly dolls. I hate them because of their anatomy! Their image.

I mean, look at that! The feet, the waist, the long neck!

Even as a toddler I never had a taste for barbies, and even if I had, I'd still be disturbed by them now.

This doll, so many girl's fave toy, is their image of a human being. I could go on forever about why this is damaging, but basically, this is a main image for a child's mind as it builds an idea of what they should look like. If this is their model of an ideal body, then... Isn't this inappropriate? And not to mention impossible, even with this beautiful anatomy it's obvious this barbies missing most of her hip bones and a lot of space for organs.

And amazing job Freeny! I love this peace!! Love 

Das-Sturm's avatar
Exactly! There's no need to get upset over our bodies, or our vital organs.
And that is very true... It kind of scares me how anyone would want to look like that... I mean, there's no way someone could even live or carry out basic functions like that.
It is quite alright, I totally understand everything you're getting at.
WilderWhine's avatar
Ah thank you!
And yes, if barbie were alive, her'd body would collapse and her legs and feet would most likely brake unable to support her.
Freakish really... :o (Eek) 
Das-Sturm's avatar
Indeed. It's like something that would belong in a horror movie... Or, anything of the horror genre, really...
WilderWhine's avatar
Hahahaha, Night of the Living Barbie!
Das-Sturm's avatar
... Someone needs to make that an actual show... That would simply be amazing... <XD
WilderWhine's avatar
Lol YES!
Shame I'm not an expert animator. X3