Ayla1991's avatar
I donßt care that much what you look like :D don´t say you are ugly, I don´t think so ;) It would just be fair of you to show me yourself or others -  i donßt want to be rude but you always find excuses so I just want to make clear you are not fooling around with me,you know =) altough that wouldn´t be a good way since internet is full of pictures you can chose to say it was you :D
Since this hater-issue we don´t trust people easily so please show comprehension for my forced asking =)
HomuraAkemi2's avatar
Okay fine I will show you my face since I'm Asian I has some sort of mix in my eyes like little bit of American eyes and a lot of Asian.
I know but still it's weird for me and kinda scared on how people say how ugly I am and that's why. But since you asked I will show you I super promise but the camera thing is true I'm outta room for taking pictures of myself..T^T
I understand I will take a picture but I'm going to keep it in my sta.sh just in case.:)