AskPrincesMultifruit's avatar

my baby is sleeping
.... and filling me with spittle

Ask-MusicPrincess3rd's avatar
(( Oh I'm glad you like him! > u <
So you want 4 right? Since you said you like the sleepy one? ' 7 ' ))
AskPrincesMultifruit's avatar

I want

them all!

BUAJAJAA, I did not give them to anyone else!

sorry guys!but I am a egoist woman! uwu))
Ask-MusicPrincess3rd's avatar
(( Oh noes! Now nobody else will get their babies... ; - ;
Pfft! Oh well~ as long as they go to a good home I guess it's okay lol XD ))
AskPrincesMultifruit's avatar

the egoism wins again!

( Seriously now, egoism is bad ..... to everyone but me!ahhaha) YEAH!