MotherMercuryMedia's avatar
Simply beautiful! You really captured Chun-Li's Zero/Alpha series costume in such great detail! This was always my favorite of her costumes she has had on. I think it just has a more sleek and more fighting appropriate feel to it than her other more Formal outfit. Excellent work on this! I really love it!
Elin-Kuzunoha's avatar
I felt your wonderful passion!
Thank you!
MotherMercuryMedia's avatar
You are so very welcome! :huggle: When someone really loves the character so much, it really comes out in her cosplay of her just as yours do for Chun-Li! You really capture the spirit of her character so well!

I had a question for you as well, do you know if there is any cosplay festivals going on in late October in Tokyo or any place near by? I am going to go and visit my sister in Tokyo then and I was curious if I could see all of the great famous Japanese cosplays I could! ^ ^ Any ideas of any shows at that time?

Again, such beautiful work you have done!! You make an amazing Chun-Li in spirit and character!
Elin-Kuzunoha's avatar
Wow! Will you come to Tokyo in October?
It is wonderful!
However, I do not participate in a Cosplay festival.
It is regrettable.
Please enjoy Japan Travel Agency!
MotherMercuryMedia's avatar
Yes, I am going to go and visit my sister who lives and works in Tokyo during that time. ^ ^ So I will be touring around with her and seeing many things I haven't seen before.

Oh, that is okay, I was just wondering if you knew of any festivals or anything during that time I will be there I could attend. It is alright. No worries. ^ ^
MotherMercuryMedia's avatar
You are very welcome. Your cosplay is just amazing!!! ^ ^