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Here is how you download the file:

On the top right side, click on the "Download" link. If you are not prompted for a folder to download it, try right clicking instead. From the popup menu select "Save Link As. . . ."

You will see the name of the zip file that your are downloading. Save it on your computer, then double click on it and drag the "classic.themes" file to your desktop.

If you want to implement the changes I described in my previous message, cut and past these 9 lines into the file under the section labeled "[Control Panel\Colors]"

ActiveTitle=255 0 0
TitleText=255 255 255
InactiveTitle=0 0 0
InactiveTitleText=255 255 255
Hilight=255 128 128
HilightText=255 255 255
Background=27 139 207
Window=255 255 255
WindowText=0 0 0

Save the changes, and move the file to the folder where Windows 10 expects to see it in. On my machine, it is. . .


where "dkyrtata" is my user name

If you created other themes, you will see them there too.

To be safe, if by chance the new file already exists, rename the existing one to something else so you do not overwrite it.

Note: The "AppData" folder is not always visible if your "folder options" are not set to see hidden files. So from "Folder Options," you will have to click the radio button to "Show hidden files, folder, and drives."

Folder options can be found from any folder-window in "View-> Options->Change folder and search options."

Then from the window that comes up, click on the view tab and click on the appropriate radio button. Click on "Apply."

Now you can reach the desired folder.

At first, I thought the salmon color was a bit off, but I have to admit it that after some minutes, I realized it is quite awesome! lol

You can see things clearly! T H A N K Y O U! From now on I'll use these colors. I'll keep this file "forever".