almabrangel's avatar
Okay, you are a dumbass. Really? Only the lowest of low go on people's drawings and criticized the fandom/fan art. I really don't give a shit about what you think of the books or movie.mi really didn't like the movie, but once you insult the book then it serious I don't go on your fucking drawings or whatever you do bash what you like. I respect your opinions and you should too. Learn some fucking respect.
mialyra's avatar
im sorry you have to deal with him, im trying to help so you don't have to deal with him, i love the redo of this <3 both are great
almabrangel's avatar
Hahah thanks btw. I just can't believe people are so rude. I mean have some respect.
And thanks it means a lot.
mialyra's avatar
np, that was ridiculous, trying to make himself the victim, i completely agree with you.
almabrangel's avatar
I know. I was like dude are you really serious?! come on grow some balls!
mialyra's avatar
thank you. i've been telling him off in a long sting of comments, no douchey behavior is acceptable