CaptainLackwit's avatar
Wow... You know they've literally shown baby ponies, right? Kid ponies?

I mean, okay. You... I... You gotta' be trolling right?

And I gotta' say, if they're baby ponies, they've got a really good grasp of the english freaking language, how to handle JOBS, and you know, put themselves in mortal peril. My god, if they're babies, you should really demonize Celestia for allowing blatant child labor laws! Or even worse! Childhood pregnancies! I mean you've seen Twilight's parents- they're the same size as her- they must also be children!

I mean by your logic... What... Little logic there exists...

Also, if I, in my mind, was, "Screwing baby ponies" why would I contest your point? No no no no no- I, am, IN YOUR mind, screwing baby ponies.

Though I'm not, because they don't exist. By the way, whatever article you cited, you may want examples 1 and 2 as well... Unless of course, you took those out because they don't serve your argument too well.

Also, hey um...I'm like, 6'2. But I've known people that are like, 5'0. So are they younger, by your logic? So, what- height makes age? by that logic, why is my nigh-44 year old father not like, eight-ten? No no, you're not using actual logic here.

You MUST be trolling. By mentioning Cadence and Armor, you note that you've at least watched up to season 2.

So you know about The Cakes, and their children. So you know that there are infants. So you know that there are clearly stated children.

And on THAT logic, let me ask you this..! Okay, so they're all babies... Why is a baby pony teaching other baby ponies? Oh herp a freaking derp, that's not the case man.


You've really gotta' try harder man. I'm just gettin' warmed up! Though do realize, the artist can pop this argument off at any time they want- making it entirely null.

But for the time being, I'll be happy to hear your half baked answers.
The-Erin-show's avatar
I didn't add 1 and 2 because they were just rephrasing you're point that ponys are small horse breeds. If I was intending to hide it I would have changed the numbers in my own post. Also, I used the word "baby" for dramatic effect. I'm sure you're aware of the concept. You still, even with all of the rambling, haven't answered the question. Why are they larger? Yeah. The cakes have kids but they also act like they are superior to the 5. And yes, I've seen the seasons but I'm also female and part of the intended audience! You're just creepy <3
CaptainLackwit's avatar
I'm far from creepy. You'd be surprised, I'm actually a fairly -decent- guy. Also, avoid, "<3" when doing insults.

The princesses just have crazy ass magical powers. They're taller, likely entirely for narrative reasons. Note the height of Alicorns compared to like, everypony else.

As for SA, he's a stallion- a big one. Like Big Mac. Re-enforces big brother status, puts him on eye level with Cadence (It'd be awkward as hell if he was way shorter than her wouldn't it?)

In short, you're simply... Wrong. Never use something for dramatic effect in an honest debate.

And as for the, "Intended audience" comment... That's rather indignant, Ma'am. Were you to get into FPSs, Comics about masculine superheroes, enjoy testosterone filled epics, I wouldn't hold it against you, call you creepy, and tell you you're doing something wrong.

We are Bronies.

And if there's one thing we -tend- to do, it's accept that a wide variety of people enjoy the show- as it has an EXTREMELY wide appeal. It's something to be proud of.

Just remember this, next time you try to be short sighted about something.
The-Erin-show's avatar
You're still creepy <3
CaptainLackwit's avatar
And you're still blissfully ignorant.
The-Erin-show's avatar
And thus continues this endless crap. I'm ignorant, you're creepy, this comment thread is old.
