haikai13's avatar
Awesome, thanks so much for that! :) Looks like they changed the boots and the shoulder armor, and I presume there was some surgery involved to get it working on the new Sylvari because the old one was quite different technically.
TatsukiChan1994's avatar
The boots and shoulders are actually from two different cultural armour sets. I really like this armour, the leggings on the character model are beautiful. I'm hoping that with the new expansion we can get the armour as drops. But it might just stay as NPC exclusive armour.
haikai13's avatar
Oh, thanks for the info. To be honest, I think the real limiting factor is still whether or not the team agrees that it's something that represents the Sylvari race as they'd like. There's more leniency on NPCs because they need a lot of variety to begin with to differentiate them from player models. One of the principles of the current Sylvari design is that the clothes should appear as if its growing from their bodies and not just clothes that happen to be made from plants.
TatsukiChan1994's avatar
There are a lot of Sylvari outside of the grove that wear "normal" armour. Usually combat oriented Sylvari.
haikai13's avatar
Yea, outside the Grove anything is fair game because it's not meant to be native clothing, I guess. The distinction isn't really that big of a deal to me personally, but it was something they wanted to distinguish as much as possible.
TatsukiChan1994's avatar
Really thinking on it it seems that Sylvari that are part of different Orders in the game wear that Orders armour but for some reason there are a few Sylvari outside of the Grove and inside that still wear cloth clothing.

And the Sylvari wearing this armour you designed were just added to the game. Only two npcs in the entire game are wearing it.
haikai13's avatar
Ah, hmm, perhaps they're relaxing the rules a bit now. If enough of a fuss is raised they probably will release the clothing set for everyone. :D
TatsukiChan1994's avatar
That would be amazing!