Princess-of-Gray's avatar
Its so true. I feel like I can't be without my cellphone or my computer. In fact without my cellphone I suffer severe anxiety. What happened to the days when I could roam the world free of my electronics just enjoying the world around me?

And yet I rejoice in the world of the internet because it allows me to show my true self, the self that I am scared to show in reality.
mistertrece's avatar
Yeah, i can feel you. I use internet for my personal profit, but sometimes i feel it steals me precious time, so i deleted my facebook account and started to read more books and live the "real" life.
Anxiety, stress, isolation... i think all of that are the new sickness of our era.
Princess-of-Gray's avatar
I deleted my facebook account once but it took me from so many of the friends I had made as everyone seems to be addicted to the internet.

I've taken to forcing myself to use it for writing, or for art purposes so that I at least feel productive when it takes my time from me.

One day for a week I'm going to go somewhere without phones or computers just to relax and return to the person I once was, no matter how dark that person might be.

Anxiety is indeed. I do not know anyone who has not felt its cold grip. Its just different degrees of anxiety.
mistertrece's avatar
I think all of that just make a pressure to all o us, because now to be part of the mass is so important, and i think we´re losing our own opinions and personality. The scary thing is... if that happens today, how it could be in ten years?
Princess-of-Gray's avatar
Those who have strong opinions however can find like minded people in a way they could not have before. Its not always the best thing, hatred and violence can be spread that way. Its a lifeline, a killer, a meeting place, and a dark alley all at once.

Maybe 10 years from now we'll all be influenced by a select few through the very technology we had become obsessed with.
mistertrece's avatar
Agree again, i think some people forced us to have all that technology, now ir you dont have internet or cell phone you choose to be isolate from the rest.
Videogames, tv, the social networks are a big mass control weapon, because you´ve 24/7/365 distractions and is a easy way to don´t face the fuck up reality we live, like that economic crash or simple, your way of think.
Princess-of-Gray's avatar
Its true. Society is replacing its veins and brains with wires and chips to run us all on.
Soon our world will be a screen and the place we reside in will be the virtual reality.

Its very sad. I didn't want to see us all go this way.
mistertrece's avatar
Me too, hope i never will live this. Is the really horror movie. But the real scary thing is that we´re living the beggining of that era.
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