Whisperah's avatar
At the last minute I saw that she was related by 2 horses ;-; fml

You know, I don't think there are any peafowls in existence that aren't related to him D: Why is my favorite nordy stallion so pretty but I can't find the right match ;-;
orengel's avatar
Nuuuu :< Problem is there are, but they're all either fully bred or very very carefully guarded xD;
Whisperah's avatar
Ahh yeah I did find one and entered an art auction where I did 3 fullbody, ridiculous detailed, all animated images and didn't get it and now the owner won't let anyone else breed to her x_x Was so upset aha I hate how seriously I take pixel ponies sometimes :'D
If you hear of any owner that would be able to give me a breeding spot (no matter what the darn cost, I'm happy to look at any option) let me know ;-;