nebezial's avatar
it is producing results for me,and i will preach my bland wisdom too, its funny how you can actually do both...

still, let me point this out.

my approach here says look at stuff, see what is good in it... for instance, many look at h.r. giger's art, and find the sexuality obscene, and go ew, no thanx, while others wee the brilliance and adopt some of his approach.

some look at warhammer artwork and just write it off as testosterone overloaded geekfantasy....while others see its potentials in designwork and mood

i have all that stuff in my professional resume, i was open to different approaches and ideas and it got me anywhere i wanted.

i am positive, would you say im uncreative?

i paint on average 45 pages of comics a month at least, do about 10 covers, design and model on several videogames, and when i feel like it i take on much more work, besides stuff i draw for fun

see this is something we wont agree on, but that's alright, i dont agree with many things, you do your thing and imma do mine :)

simple as that
Palibyte's avatar
Don't let his attitude drag you down man, he obviously hasn't realized that there are more approaches and aspects to discover through different viewpoints and emotions. I think he doesn't realize that looking for the good in something and extracting what makes that good will gain more progress than point out all the negatives. Because if you extract all that is good, all you'll get is good, but if you just point out all the bad, you'll just not have bad, but no good either. At least, that was my interpretation. Anyways, good job at keeping your cool, its very inspiring as I had trouble just reading his comment :D
nebezial's avatar
drag me down? lol people have been trying that my whole life, and failed repeatedly. guy has his opinion i have mine, simple as that. from there on well either agree or more often, disagree, cause on internet you will rarely truly change anyones opinion. :)
Palibyte's avatar
Wonderfully said c: