mmaerin's avatar
I would imagine that is a theme which would find a lot of grudging support amongst whom Sebastian is the point of the thing.

The character appeals to a lot of people who have a thing for pain and blood-he does suffer beautifully.I read a fanfic once which made a suggestion he got booted out of heaven for lending tacit (mental) support to he rebellion that got all the other 'fallen angels' tossed off the clouds. Not quite biblical, but then you aren't trying to write a sermon either.
I reckon you could do a quite nice novel-sized story based on him actually going ahead and doing the pennance even though nobody's telling him it's going to do any good, he just wants to--and perhaps in the end it works-probably an ambiguous ending that leaves one wondering but hopefulwould be best.

Well. I'd definitely read it. I'd write it if I had that kind of literary staying power. Im more fitted to be a ghost writer and beta reader. I can do short pieces and help others but last time I wrote anything close to a novel I damn-near had a nervous breakdown. Dont want to do THAT again! And I would care wa-ay too much about a project like this.
hoo-boy. I'll say. But Id read it all right.Would I ever.
TheCrossoverer89's avatar
I see him more as an Angel with a Demon's body, my series says his Father was a renegade Demon who fell in love with an Angel woman who gave birth to Sebastian, one of the Demon Earls of Hell, Count Raum (who is also a crow) killed him when Sebastian was 9 and kidnapped him trying to make him a servant to Satan, but he clutched to his mother's Rosary defying him, he was used to create the black plague (they kinda used him for experiments) and finally he escaped, but he does not hate God, but he is afraid he won't be accepted and he kinda is paranoid of humans, but once he kills Count Raum, his Father speaks to him, telling him Heaven is still waiting for him and Ciel and God has never and will never forsake them.
mmaerin's avatar
Pleasant backstory, and will please those who really don't want to see Sebastian as an evil character.I should say it will have a lot of takers. have you written this up and if not, why not?
TheCrossoverer89's avatar
Sebastian's father says to him "A true demon is unable to cry, yet you cry for your master and me, God cares not what you are, its what is in your heart he cares about" then before his soul leaves he says a bible verse, one that always helped me when I mourned for my Grandfather and Cousin "And He lead them into springs of water and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
mmaerin's avatar
Yes, Revelation21(or Apocalypse, if you're Catholic),Isaiah (11 I think-or maybe 65?)and I think also Malachai--or one or two other places besides those first 2 at least for certain. So what do you reckon, that he (Sebastian)'s corrupted (or uncorrupted) himself? That demons believe untrue things about themselves(like Spanish /Mexican/S.American Machismo? Or something I've yet to think of?
TheCrossoverer89's avatar
True demons have hollow souls, they do not know love, they cannot cry, they only know pain, fear, and worst of all hatred. Sebastian never felt that, When he see's his father as a dusty corpse he starts weeping "I WAS FRIGHTENED! How can God love someone like me, the contract, the plauge, EVERYTHING! I USED PEOPLE! I WAS SCARED OF HUMANS!" then he hears his father's voice " that what this fuss is all about? You think God hates you because of some petty contract? Or what someone made you do? How can he hate you if you are able to cry? Didn't know know a true demon is unable to cry?" the idea came from Hellsing when Anderson dies "True demons soul's are hollow, they know nothing but hatred, pain, suffering, and fear. You and others like you are renegades, your soul is full, you never wanted to consume an innocent soul, didn't you spit them out after the plague? Then didn't you run away? You defied the devil, you weep, you laugh, you smile, you care, you feel. God cares about whats in the hearts of humans, angels, renegade demons, all of us, so smile, smile like how your mother used to. what are you and Ciel going to do?"

Sebastian wiped his tears and smiled

"Probably set some new goals, dreams, continue our lives...see you and mother at the pearly gates one day...father dearest."

Then as the body breaks away "I can hear her, your mother, and Vincent....all of them wait for me...remember to forgive those who trust pass against us...amen..."

Sebastian holds his mother's rosary "...Amen..."

then the church bells ring and a crow follows a dove indicating the redeemed one-sebastian's father-is in heaven with his mother. Count raum consume Vincent and The Redeemed one's souls Sebastian set them free and stopped the mass possessions in new york city sebastian himself was at peace
TheCrossoverer89's avatar
Well not exactly corrupted, but he still had smoldering anger about what Count Raum did to him a long time ago and as soon as he saw him in New York he was determined to kill him for robbing him of his family
TheCrossoverer89's avatar
I never saw him as evil nor good he is just Sinisterly Neutral
mmaerin's avatar
Sinister does imply evil though, not just left. To wit (from Webster's):

sin·is·ter /ˈsinistər/adj
1. Giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen.
2. Wicked or criminal.
ominous - evil - portentous - baleful - inauspicious

so sinister=evil. But I get what you're saying,you've always perceived him as neutral. he is rather persistently honourable and decent for a personification of evil, not nearly so dedicated to debauching others as one might expect of a devil. That still doesn't tell me if you're writing this--I hope you are.
mmaerin's avatar
Just seemed like a very promising and well thought out idea, and if it existed anywhere I might like to read it.