ItouKhai35's avatar
Just splendid, this utilizes wholesome formwork (There's both a sense of softness & defined firmness in the girl's curves here, the pose just makes it much more charming) and vibrant colour schemes to create a sensuous yet innocent piece, also like how the folds of her tee-shirt are tugged and placed here with some of the smooothest drapery movement & folds I've seen, it gets the right balance of cover and reveal. The touches of body art within a variety of motifs/symbols add an Alternative spice to the overall character & styling. :star::heart::star:
Seriously, this is a lovely lovely re-invison and original pin-up styled character art blending both sides of extremes. Thank You So Much for this! :iconpolitebowplz:
daskull's avatar
wow thank you very much for your comment, I really appreciate it! :thanks:
ItouKhai35's avatar
No problem at all, You're So Much Welcome! Thank You again for this art and keep it up! :star: