Winter-218's avatar
You grew up with Halo?! So did I! My dad is the one who introduced me to it. :) Ever since I was 8, I've been a total Gamer & Halo fan! <3 I do love ponies also, haha. :)
slyhunter38's avatar
Ugh, I don't even REMEMBER when I started playing, but I was sure as heck YOUNG. Let me run a birthdate/game check...

O...O uh... Is it bad that the game came out when I was three, and I've been playing it all my life, practically? So, if I guess right, I was 4 or 5 when I got an XBOX Original and Halo 1... Holy nutballs.
Winter-218's avatar
Wow! Haha:) - I've been playing it all my life also. It's WAY better than COD to be honest. I love the Sci-fi. <3