LovePikaNizzy's avatar
I got this:

Musical: You like the rhythm and sound of language. You like poems, songs, and jingles. You enjoy humming or singing along with music. You probably remember things well when they are associated with music or rhythm. Try to incorporate sounds into your lessons, such as using a familiar tune, song, or rap beat to teach spelling rules, or to remember words in a series for a test. (I always knew that. But I'm pretty shy about speaking or singing in front of other people - except if they are not listening to me and I sing so quietly that they aren't very likely to hear me)


Nature: You are sensitive to nature and environment. You probably know the names of rocks, flowers, birds, and trees. You love to be outdoors. ( :la: Although I spend more time inside than outdoors - you know, reading and using the computer..)


Language: You enjoy enjoy saying, hearing, and seeing words. You like telling stories. You are motivated by books, records, dramas, opportunities for writing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your language intelligence include reading aloud, especially plays and poetry. Another idea is to write down reflections on what you've read. You may also enjoy exploring and developing your love of words, i.e., meanings of words, origin of words and idioms, names. Use different kinds of dictionaries.

The scores for your other five intelligences:
Spatial Self Math Social Body
2.86 2.71 2.43 1.86 1.71
mylastel's avatar
Thanks a lot for sharing! :hug: Was the result fits you? :)
LovePikaNizzy's avatar
Well, pretty much. And in case you didn't notice, the text in brackets in my comment were my own comments on the results I got..