Jessie-Zacharia's avatar

*looks up pondering possible scenarios. character names such as Charles Archer and Jefferson Sparks pop briefly into focus as the two of them gaze into a field of broken spirits fighting among themselves. as each one falls, they disappear and are never seen again. Archer and Sparks stand feeling fear and sadness as each drop a tear and warm liquid craws down their pants* hmm... *raises hand and gives a grin that could only be found on a child who just found the answer to life, the universe, and everything* 42, may I have the privilege of making a squeal?

PS: If the thought process is incorrect please forgive me. My mind tends to do random spirits of creativity that are more random than, well, that flying twinky that always follows me around.

remembertheginger's avatar
Um... I'm... not quite sure I follow... it's simply a company of soldiers, only they've all been killed right before battle in an ambush, so they can never rest in peace, just walk the earth.
Jessie-Zacharia's avatar
Sorry, I had a burst of thought when I read your reply. Is it a specific battle/war and can I make a larger piece of literature for you?
remembertheginger's avatar
No problem ^_^
Um, no specific battle; I don't even really know when this is placed. It could be the Civil War or it could be a thousand years into the future.
And sure, I'd love to see a larger piece of literature! Just make sure to credit me if you use any of this. :)