DBolandArt's avatar
Thanks for that, It is amazing how you manage to get that oil painting feel. I hope you don't mind, but you have inspired me to have a go at some Ferri studies myself, I'm not in your league, but it is the type of art I really love :) :clap:
HoustonSharp's avatar
Sure thing, and thanks.  I just used some brushes that had a very good flow to them (that basically acted like oil paint to begin with), and was careful not to over-blend anything; brush strokes are good to see sometimes.  

And i'm glad, definitely go for it.  His art is great; i wish his type of art was more popular in the U.S. as opposed to this "modern" art stuff.
DBolandArt's avatar
Thank you, you have made my day, and thanks for the advice :):)

I love the old masters, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Verrocchio etc. and Ferri is the modern day equivalent, and you are the digital equivalent. :clap:

PS  I love your traditional stuff too.