DTWX's avatar
:iconofcourseplz: 8-)

Although to lay it as it is; I may disagree about the liaisons of certain communities, like atheist groups & political parties, mixed marriage & some religious sects, but that doesn't mean that I'm against the people for poo-poo sakes. Your an atheist too, but your a different kind of atheist; your extremely kind & generous & don't bicker or get involved with something you disagree about & you respect other cultures/ethicist as much as I do, and that right there is a sign of a real man to me. 8-)
(unlike other ones out there which made me judgmental to the very core. :()
Hell, I don't feel too comfortable about Muslim's either, but one of my dearest friends is Islam & he's a fucking darling to talk with & I was labeled as his 1st ever friend on the net & we did a lot with each other. Just goes to show that beliefs don't matter shit, Sammy & Simon style. :nod:

Y'see folks, it's like what Jesus once said;
"Look, oh ye of little faithlessness audience, can't we all just shut our mouths, stick to our guns & get along like your all supposed to. It's not like I just died on the bloody cross & made some random schmoe so dog-goned special all of a sudden."

Well, maybe not like that, but still, we can learn from others who ask for humbleness. 8-)
Like THIS Epic guy right here---> [link] :clap:

My dada always told to set an example for others to show & I stuck with it all the way. 8-)
Too bad he had to end up not following what he preached & died a lonely death in his cell block. :hmm:
d00dl31sfun's avatar
*stands in honor...

you sir just made my day,