Insanepayne's avatar
I am against bullying of any kind against any kind of people. But from what I am seeing in this "spirit day" it makes me think that people are saying unless you think it is OK for people to be anything other than heterosexual, you are an inhumane monster.
I think that people have a really twisted idea of what Christianity is supposed to be, even Christians themselves. I myself am a christian. If this was not the internet I would not have even bothered. I would only talk about this irl if i was in a group of close friends and the topic was brought up by someone else. But this is the internet and this only takes a matter of seconds for me to type.
As a christian with who still goes by the bible I get a lot of hate from people because I believe that marrying(even for believing that only married people should have sex gets me looks of discrimination from people)
a person is supposed to be one man and one woman and not two men or two women or two men and a woman or whatever other combination is out there.
Now you don't see people bullying Christians nearly as badly even fractionally as bad as the group focused on in spirit day, In the US.
But just ignore all that up there and here is what I really want to say. I won't bully you, I won't harass you, I won't discriminate against you. No matter who you are or what you do. Now I ask that you do the same. Not just to your friends or friends of friends. To people you don't even know. I don't ask that you show respect where it hasn't been earned but to show civility. Even when you and they can't agree upon different ideas, values, beliefs, lifestyles, anything at all! No one should be made to feel any lesser because they might have a different mindset, not just one group of people, but all people.